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Chairman of the Union of Tile Builder and Tile Sales said that by solving some of the problems of the Nima system, the barriers to the supply of raw materials for production were announced by saying that the domestic market is being supplied through domestic production and a significant amount of domestic products are shipped to target markets. Fixed.

Mustafa Goodarzi said in an interview with ISNA that the conditions for supplying ceramic tile and ceramic materials were met with problems that somewhat solved, but still difficult to buy and deliver raw materials to manufacturers.
The head of the Tile and Tile Union said that reducing the supply of raw materials and solving some problems is due to the stability of the exchange rate and the possibility to register orders in the NIMA system.

He pointed out that in the supply of raw materials, it is also referred to the domestic market, but the production of glazes and paints in the interior requires the purchase and provision of imported raw material, which should be referred to other markets in this regard.

Goodarzi, the main source of origin markets for the purchase and supply of raw materials for the production of tile and ceramic, said Turkey, Spain and India, said production products are exported to countries like the neighboring countries and Central Asia, which uses a significant volume of production on the export route. Take up

The head of the tile and sales tile association emphasized that there is no shortage of supplies to the domestic market and there is no need for significant imports, and only some of the specific products that can not be produced within the country should be imported through Be provided.
He reminded that in order to provide special custom-made products, the countries of China, Turkey, Italy and Spain are generally made.

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